
【國際交流】114.03.11美國雪蘭多大學「全球公民計畫」師生天母校區交流 Shenandoah University "Global Citizenship Project" Faculty and Student Exchange Event at Tian-mu Campus


活動時間:114年3月11日(二) 臺灣時間09:00~11:30


3 月 11 日上午,雪蘭多大學師生來到北市大天母校區,與本校運動健康學系、衛生福利學系及舞蹈學系的師生進行深入交流,雙方熱烈分享彼此的學習經驗,氣氛融洽且收穫滿滿。在運健系李俊儒專員的帶領下,雪蘭多大學的師生們參觀並親自體驗天母校區完善的運動科學實驗室設備,對設備的專業性與完整性留下了深刻印象。隨後,雪蘭多大學的學生們分為兩組,分別至衛福系與舞蹈系進行課堂觀摩,透過參與課堂活動,深入了解北市大學生的學習實況,並充分體驗豐富多元的校園生活。最後,在舞蹈系王如萍老師的帶領下,學生們參觀北市大獨具特色的詩欣館。館內精良的設施與完善的設備,讓來自美國的學生們讚嘆不已,為這次跨國交流活動畫下圓滿而難忘的句點。

  • 雪蘭多大學出席人員

Ting-Yu Chen 教授

Amy Rowcliffe老師


  • 本校出席人員

衛福系 王實之 系主任

衛福系 黎伊帆 教授

舞蹈系 蕭君玲 系主任

舞蹈系 王如萍 教授

運健系 李俊儒 專員



Shenandoah University "Global Citizenship Project" Faculty and Student Exchange Event at Tianmu Campus

Event Time: March 11, 2025 (Tuesday) | Taiwan Time 09:00–11:30

Event Overview:

On the morning of March 11, faculty and students from Shenandoah University visited the Tianmu Campus of UT for a meaningful exchange with the faculty and students from the Department of Exercise and Health Science, the Department of Health and Welfare, and the Department of Dance. Both sides enthusiastically shared their learning experiences, creating a warm and rewarding atmosphere.

Led by Mr. Li Jun-Ru from the Department of Exercise and Health Science, Shenandoah University faculty and students toured and experienced the advanced sports science laboratory facilities at the Tianmu Campus. They were highly impressed by the professionalism and completeness of the equipment.

Following the tour, the students from Shenandoah University were divided into two groups to observe classes in the Department of Health and Welfare and the Department of Dance. Through active participation in the classes, they gained valuable insights into the learning experiences of Taipei University students and fully immersed themselves in the vibrant campus life.

Finally, under the guidance of Ms. Wang Ru-Ping from the Department of Dance, the students visited the distinctive Shih-Hsin Hall. The state-of-the-art facilities and well-equipped environment left the American students in awe, marking a perfect and memorable conclusion to this international exchange event.

Shenandoah University Participants:

Professor Ting-Yu Chen

Professor Amy Rowcliffe

9 U.S. Students

University of Taipei Participants:

Professor Shih-Chih Wang (Department of Health and Welfare)

Professor Yi-Fan Li (Department of Health and Welfare)

Professor Hsiao, Chun-Ling (Department of Dance)

Professor Ru-Ping Wang (Department of Dance)

Assistant Jun-Ru Li (Department of Exercise and Health Sciences)

5 University of Taipei Students
