
【國際學生活動】2024.09.05 113-1學期入境新生(交換生、學位生)接機-2024 Fall Semester Arrival Pickup for International Students (Exchange Students and Degree Students)

活動名稱:113-1學期入境新生 (交換生、學位生) 接機  -2024 Fall  Semester Arrival Pickup for  International Students (Exchange Students and Degree Students)


活動說明:為迎接來臺的境外學生 (交換生和學位生),國際處於開學前辦理接機活動,由國際處人員和學伴到機場迎接新生,並帶新生到宿舍辦理入住,讓新生有回家的溫馨感。國際處大家長也前來關心,歡迎遠道而來的學生。

Event Name: 2024 Fall  Semester Arrival Pickup for  International Students (Exchange Students and Degree Students)

Event Date: 2024/9/5

Event Description: To warmly welcome incoming international students (exchange and degree students) to Taiwan, the OIA organized an airport pickup service before the start of the semester. Staff from the OIA, along with senior student volunteers, will greet the new students at the airport and accompany them to their dormitories to assist with the check-in process. This initiative aims to provide new students with a comforting sense of home upon their arrival from afar. The Dean of the OIA also be present to greet and welcome these students.
