




序號 姓名 系所
1 陳○賢 音學系
2 區○彤 視藝系
3 梁○誠 運健系
4 洪○瑤 運科所
5 顏○旻 競技所
6 鄭○伶 華語文教學學程

境外生助學金申請表/Grant Application Form

申請時間:114年2月4日至2月14日截止 Application Deadline:  Feb 14, 2025

如果你已經是台灣政府獎助學金受獎生,不得再申請。If you are a recipient of a scholarship or grant from the Taiwanese government or UT, you cannot reapply.

學生證(正面)+居留證(正反2面)+護照+郵局存摺,請4項文件掃描成A4一頁再上傳。 Please scan your student ID card, ARC (front and back sides), passport and post office passbook on one A4 page( PDF file). If you are freshman or first year of graduate/doctoral student, your passport is required. Please upload if you have a student card, ARC or post office passbook.

1.請完成學期學雜費繳交後,並立即申請9月至隔年2月(或10至隔年3月)的工作證。 2.受獎名單公告後,如無法準時繳交工作證,則取消受獎資格。 1. Please apply for a work permit for the period immediately after completing the payment of tuition and fees on time. 2.If you are unable to hand in your work permit on time after the announcement of the award list, you will be disqualified from receiving the award.
前一學期學業平均成績分數。 Students who have achieved an average grade.

前一學期學業平均成績班級排名。例如:學生成績排名第10,全班共有35人;10/35 The class ranking of the average academic performance in the previous semester.The student ranks 10th in the class, with a total of 35 students; 10/35.

班排名為前40%。a class rank in the top forty percent (40%) in the previous semester.
操行成績85分以上。Behaviour score of 85 or above.
需要有113-1學期班級排名資訊。 Information on the class ranking for Fall semester, 2024 is required. 如果你是新生,請上傳前一階段成績單。If you are a freshman or first year of graduate/doctoral student , please upload your previous level transcript(Chinese or English version is accepted.)
如有最新的清寒證明、各項競賽、學術創作發表、展演等優異成績,請務必上傳。 If you have any latest low-income household certificates , outstanding achievements such as competitions, academic presentations, exhibitions, etc., please upload them. 最近參加僑委會各項活動、培訓、競賽、線上課程者,請上傳證明。 If you have participated in various activities, training, competitions, online courses, etc. organised by the Overseas Chinese Affairs Council , please upload your latest certificates.

國際處在博愛校區。Office of International Affairs is located on the Bo-ai campus.

審查時未完成繳費者,直接列為審查不通過。Those who have not completed the payment on time will be considered as invalid applications.
驗證碼圖片 驗證碼語音播放器
請填寫完整正確資料,以利後續審核 Please fill out the form and we would review your application.