

類別 申請對象 金額 補助期限 申請時間 核定名額
研究所優秀僑生獎學金 碩博士生 10,000/月 6個月 依公告時間申請 依每學期教育部核定
清寒僑生助學金 學士 3,000/月 2學期 依公告時間申請 依每學期教育部核定
法規依據    臺北市立大學研究所優秀僑生獎學金實施要點
申請表    臺北市立大學研究所優秀僑生獎學金申請書



MOE Scholarship

Category Eligibility Amount Grant Duration Application Period Approved Quota

Scholarship for Outstanding

Graduate Overseas Students

Master's and Doctoral students 10,000 NTD/month 6 months Apply according to announcement dates Approved each semester by the Ministry of Education

Financial Aid for

Low-Income Overseas Students

Bachelor's students 3,000 NTD/month 2 semesters Apply according to announcement dates Approved each semester by the Ministry of Education
Regulations Based On Guidelines for Implementing the Taipei City University Scholarship for Outstanding Graduate Overseas Students
Review Guidelines for Taipei City University Financial Aid for Low-Income Overseas Students
Application Forms Application Form for the Taipei City University Scholarship for Outstanding Graduate Overseas Students
Evaluation Form for the Taipei City University Financial Aid for Low-Income Students